It's not just a summer sport!
Paddle boarding in the winter may seem absurd if you’re used to paddling around in shorts and t-shirt, but that doesn’t mean it’s not fun. The key is dressing correctly for it. There’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. Remember, being active will help keep you warm in winter on your SUP so don’t overdress. Thinner layers are easier to regulate your temperature when you are on your paddleboard.
Ideally you would paddle in bare hands so you can feel the paddle and how it is reacting in the water. If you do feel you really need them, make sure you get some with good grip or open palmed mittens so you can still feel the paddle.
Jacket and trousers
Remember, being active will help keep you warm in winter on your SUP so don’t overdress. Thinner layers are easier to regulate your temperature when you are on your paddleboard by taking layers on and off. No one wants to finish up a sweaty mess! If you can get hold of a waterproof jacket/trousers and some thermal layers you are off to a good start. A normal raincoat and trousers will do if you are on a budget, with some thermal layers underneath to help to keep you warm. However, if you do fall in, all layers will get wet and you will be cold! It's always a good idea to keep a few dry layers in a drybag!
Wetsuits are great for keeping you warm when you are wet, but they aren’t so great for keeping you warm when you are dry! You tend to build up quite a sweat when paddling hard, when the sweat chills you can get pretty cold! If you do think you might fall in, then a long John wetsuit can be a good option! It’s a good idea to wear a windproof jacket on top for when you are standing up as it can get pretty blowy!
Dry suits
A dry suit is a completely waterproof suit. It has rubber seals at the neck and wrists to keep the water out if you do take a dip. You can wear thermal layers or even normal clothes underneath. If you tend to get cold they will definitely keep you toasty, warm and dry even if you fall in; however there is a tendency to overheat and it’s not so easy to take layers off!
Footwear A pair of wetsuit booties would be top on the list for warmth and comfort. A thick neoprene will ensure your feet stay warm even if they get wet! If you are certain your feet will stay dry, a pair of trainers and thick socks will do, but if you do get them wet, you will freeze! A comfortable compromise would be to wear some waterproof socks or neoprene socks under your shoes.
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